In recent years, I have had quite a few opportunities to complete murals. Both in Muse Paintbar’s studios, as well as in public spaces.

In June of 2021, the Mosaic District in Vienna, VA reached out and asked me to do a unique crosswalk design. This design would celebrate PRIDE in their shopping center. They wanted a crosswalk which took the symbolic rainbow and made it an interactive experience for shoppers. While also representing a movement that I find to be so important. So obviously I was IN.

The design was pretty straightforward, so the project only took 8 hours. However, it was HOT! I was in the direct sunlight most of the time, but I was happy to be a part of this project. I got a tan (or burn, lol), and was able to speak with the community about the project while I was completing it.

I had my homegirl Daniela Manolova documenting the progression of the mural throughout the day and we got some killer footage and photos. Thanks again Mosaic District for this experience.

Love is love <3

Anne Rankin